

Conflux中文社区 2021-07-05 18:54 1735







在固定 committee 的情况下,完成 PoS 与 PoW 的集成,并通过已有的 python 测试;

开始实现 PoS 对应 internal contract 与集成 committee rotation 逻辑;

实现其它 hard fork 相关 CIP,含支持 ETH 交易格式、支持可配置的防重入机制等;

继续添加并优化 RPC。


js-sdk 发布 1.6.10 版本,增加 retry 配置及 keepAlive 支持,增加统一短地址 util 方法;

java-sdk 发布 1.1.0 版本,增加对最新 RPC 方法支持;

构建 conflux-rust homebrew package 便于 Mac 用户获取节点程序。



支持 NFT 资产查询;

支持 Pending 交易展示;

优化交易输入参数、事件日志以及交易 trace 信息的展示;








PancakeSwap 于 6 月 3 日上线 bCFX,并开启 bCFX 流动性挖矿


《关于Conflux,你想知道的都在这里》长图公布了截至 2021 年 5 月的 Conflux 网络各项数据;

烤仔创作者联盟与币乎联合发起 Conflux 三周年征文活动;

第一届 Conflux Award 区块链写作大赛成功举办,来自 16 所学校,近 30 个团队参与,征集作品包含小说、新诗等;

开展 Reach 线上学习班,每周组织两次线上课程,共有 25 名学员参与;

举办儿童节互动活动,活动参与者已全部获得了有自己儿时照片在内的主题 NFT;

像素 3D 风格表情包《跳舞仔》已上架微信表情商店;

ART101 艺术创作联盟艺术家首席艺术家 Lulu.Z 创作的《NFT ERA: THE GHOST WARRIOR》系列 NFT 和神秘艺术家虚拟小猫“Misaki-S26”创作的《人类群星闪耀时》系列 NFT 在 Tspace 平台的拍卖活动圆满结束。



Conflux 与 Crypro C 联合主办的“假面舞会狂欢节:当Thinker遇上Artist”收官活动在上海圆满落幕。实验发起人郎瀚威、Crypro C 与风潮画廊创始人唐晗、链得得总裁李非凡、Conflux 品牌公关总监刘畅、ART101 首席艺术家 Lulu.Z、Tspace&古国序列 CTO 小南、NFTBox 代表 Max、Amplio Capital VP 范媛媛受邀出席活动,并带来主题演讲与精彩圆桌讨论;

联合创始人张元杰受复旦大学 MBA 区块链俱乐部邀请,发表《区块链NFT·加密世界的无限可能》主题演讲;

北斗计划"大学生创业营活动"第二期于本月开启,线上与线下同步进行。截止报名结束,已有 51 支队伍参与报名,成员覆盖国内外 60 余所高校。7 月 3 日北斗计划线下讲座在东北大学(秦皇岛分校)举办。讲座上,为同学们由浅入深地讲解什么是区块链,介绍 Conflux 的特点,解答同学们提出的相关问题;

研究主管 Geoff 与 Sami 受邀参加 2021 迈阿密比特币大会。

Conflux Progress Report



[Public Chain]

Finish the integration of PoS and PoW in the context of a fixed committee, and pass all existing Python tests.

Start implementing PoS-related internal contracts, and start integrating them with the implementation of committee rotation.

Implement other hard-fork-related CIPs, including supporting the ETH transaction format and configurable reentrancy-check mechanism.

Keep adding and optimizing RPCs.


JS-SDK released the 1.6.10 ver, supported by keepAlive, with retry and a unified utility method for short address added.

Java-SDK released the 1.1.0 ver with the latest RPC method added.

conflux-rust homebrew package built to facilitate Mac users’ access to node procedure.

Helped a community project @confluxfans/contracts improve the lint configuration.

Ecosystem Products


Supported to query NFT assets.

Supported to query pending transactions.

Optimized development features, including transaction input data, event log, and trace result.

Integrated help center with zendesk.

~50 minor UI optimizations.

Data synchronization benchmark test.


Integration test to validate data consistency.

Resolved the atomicity problem of data synchronization.

Data synchronization benchmark test.


PancakeSwap supported bCFX and started bCFX liquidity mining on June 3rd.

Online Events

Conflux Network data as of May was made public with the release of Here's what you should know about Conflux.

ConFi Creator Alliance launched an article contest with to celebrate Conflux’s 3rd anniversary.

The First Conflux Blockchain Writing Award was successfully held, with about 30 teams from 16 schools participating. Receiving several great pieces of novels and poems.

Launched the weekly online courses for Reach, attracting 25 students.

The interactive event "Children’s Day: Record Your Young In Another Way" was held and participants were given a Children's Day themed NFT with their childhood photos.

"Dancing ConFi" available on WeChat’s emotion store.

Auctions for the series of NFTs NFT ERA: THE GHOST WARRIOR created by the lead artist of ART 101 Lulu.Z and Sternstunde der Menschheit created by the mysterious Misaki-S26 were successfully concluded on Tspace.

Offline Events

Conflux was honored to host a summit on blockchain at the Pujiang Innovation Forum on June 2–3, 2021. The summit, featuring 15+ speakers and guests from several research institutions and government departments, focused on the use of real-world blockchain applications in various SECtors, including the construction industry, engineering, and transportation.

The Masquerade: When Thinker Meets Artist cohosted by Conflux and CryptoC was successfully held in Shanghai. Initiator Lang Hanwei, founder of CryptoC and Fengchao Gallery Tang Han, president of Li Feifan, head of PR of Conflux Liu Chang, ART101 top artist Lulu.z, CTO of Tspace and Ancient Chinese Gods Xiaonan, Max of NFTBox, and Fan Yuanyuan of Amplio Capital were invited to the event, gave the keynote speech, and had roundtable discussions.

Cofounder Zhang Yuanjie was invited to give a keynote speech titled Blockchain NFT: The Unlimited Crypto World by the MBA Blockchain Club of Fudan University.

The second phase of a blockchain entrepreneurship camp for university students of Conflux’s Beidou Program was launched both online and offline this month. By the end of the sign-up period, 51 teams have participated, covering more than 60 colleges and universities at home and abroad. An offline lecture was held at Northeastern University (Qinhuangdao Campus) on July 3, where Conflux staff explained what blockchain is, introduced the advantages of Conflux, and answered related questions raised by the students.

Team members Geoff and Sami attended Bitcoin Miami.

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