

Conflux中文社区 2021-05-06 21:21 1639






1. 针对 PoS Finality 实现,对 Tree-Graph 和最新的 Diem 代码进行对比分析;

2. 移植、集成 Diem 代码到 conflux-rust 并通过编译;

3. 根据生态产品需求添加RPC;

4. 状态存储相关的代码重构。



1. JS-SDK 发布版本v1.6,支持 conflux-rust 1.1.3 新增 RPC 方法;内置支持 CRC20 合约,及其他优化;

2. Go-SDK 发布新版 v1.0.7,支持新增 RPC 方法;

3. 开发者文档网站优化文档分组方式,编写关于节点获取、交易发送的文档。





1. 呈现中新增 8 个统计图表;

2. 支持 CFX/WCFX swap;

3. 数据查询性能优化。



1. 更新 RPC endpoint;

2. 钱包前端判定 hex 地址为非法地址;

3. 更新最新的 ETH-phising-detect;

4. 允许调用 cfx_getBlockByEpochNumber,cfx_getBestBlockHash。



1. 加强网络异常情况下的容错机制;

2. 支持数据删除/归档,支持高 TPS 场景;

3. 优化数据同步性能,支持高 TPS 场景。



1. 服务商中心上线,支持所有跨链对;

2. 跨入流程升级上线,支持通过 MetaMask 跨入;

3. 跨链节点鲁棒性优化、性能常数优化;

4. BSC 节点日常运维;

5. 配合 Flux 运营上线通证。



1.  麦子钱包插件版支持 Conflux 网络;

2.   Magic Labs 达成合作。Magic 通过无密码认证为开发者终端用户解决身份和密钥管理问题。




1. 烤仔生日 NFT 在 MoonSwap 与 Tspace 的拍卖活动已圆满结束,最高成交价为 11,597.90 cMOON;

2. 与 Aavegotchi 联合举办、ART101 与 BeepCrypto 联合支持的“下一个加密艺术家就是你” NFT 创作活动已圆满结束。本次活动获得 100,000+ 浏览,2,000+ 转发互动,共收到 39 幅投稿作品,评选结果今日公布;

3. 本月新增两款烤仔定制微信红包封面,截至目前已发放 800 余次;

4. 土耳其社区针对斋戒月举行了2次在线活动。韩国社区完成了DeFi体验活动,超过150名当地社区成员参与了本次活动,体验了Conflux 网络的DeFi产品并且与MicroTuber社区进行了交互AMAs

5. 成功举行 NFT 为主题的Crypto Tech Night 3。Vanessa Qi(Binance NFT & Charity)、宋婷(AI & Blockchain Digital Artist)、Zeo(清华大学国际区块链协会)和T-Space(陶然)作为演讲嘉宾和圆桌讨论成员,在本次活动中分享了他们对于目前 NFT 生态系统的见解;

6. 台湾社区将举办针对高中生的区块链启蒙文学创作比赛 Conflux Award,4月开启报名,已举行两期线上讲座,截至目前有来自14 校的24队伍报名参加;

7. 应邀于3月30日在台湾区块链KOL小比儿的粉丝群、4月27日在台湾区块链社区Grenade进行AMA,向台湾区块链爱好者介绍链上生态应用;

8. MoonSwap 参与了 Hillrise Capital 举办的 AMA,介绍Conflux DeFi 生态;

9. Decentology 共同主办Mini NFT Hackathon,启动 Conflux 网络上的 NFT DApp 建设;

10. 首席研究员、生态负责人 Geoff Le Fevre 参加 Oasis的AMA,并就近期合作关系即将到来的Open DeFi Hackathon 展开讨论;

11. 联合 MoonSwap ShuttleFlow 推出多通证挖矿活动,Autonio、Mettalex、Set Protocol、Ramp DeFi 和 Spice DAO合作的首期奖励超过80,000美元,并联合 MoonSwap 在 Conflux 官方 Telegram 举办针对该活动的 AMA

12. MoonSwap 受邀在 Autonio 社区的 Telegram 频道中进行AMA;

13. 受邀出席拉丁美洲区块链峰会,并在发言中介绍了Conflux 网络及其工具;

14. 官方推特粉丝突破30,000!感谢社区成员给予的所有支持!




1. 本月,联合创始人张元杰受邀出席由 BCA 主办的“加密生境· 极创纪元” | NFT· CRYPTOULTRA 活动,以及金色财经主办的“共为·创新大会”、巴比特主办的“超算·融合,2021 全球区块链算力大会”,并参与主题圆桌讨论;

2. 联合创始人张元杰受邀出席猎云财经主办的2021 “破圈生长”区块链技术与应用峰会暨国际数字矿业高峰论坛,并发表主题演讲;

3. 生态负责人焦雨晴受邀出席“当NFT遇见Polkadot”全国行活动,并参与主题圆桌讨论;

4. ART101 首席顾问宋婷老师受邀参与知乎“青春礼赞·初心百年”专题活动,创作作品《钢的琴》与《不存在之花》,在线下展览中展出。

5. Conflux 校园行暨践行者计划 4 月继续开展,在中央财经大学台湾大学分别举行线下活动,参与人次 400+。

6. 5 月 1 日至 5 日,烤仔周边亮相时代美术馆主办的“买得起艺术周”活动。


CFX 季报

1. 基于网络升级投票关于生态基金用途以及剩余未发放 FC 发放完毕的预计周期等方案的投票结果,本月新增销毁 41,633,333 枚,截至目前共销毁 248,762,407 CFXConflux 团队全部创始人、首席科学家及部分团队成员自愿新增锁仓16,699,494  枚,目前锁仓总数量为 125,414,575 CFX。目前,销毁及锁仓的 CFX 数量占流通总量的45.68%

2. 基于社区生态治理(20210408)中的Conflux DAO# 6 “私募投资人的解锁条件调整投票结果,未来基金会将不通过投资人提前解锁的请求,并与私募投资人就月线性解锁的速率调整进行了全方位地协商,结果如下:

(1) 《经济白皮书》中所提及的提前解锁条款未来将不再触发

(2) 2021 5 月起的 4 个月内暂停私募投资人及 Conflux 团队的额度解锁,其后按照每月 20% 递增的形式恢复额度释放

(3) 暂停与减少的部分,将在原解锁周期结束后(即一年半或三年半后)的六个月内线性解锁发放。












[Public Chain]

1. Compare the code base of Tree Graph and Diem for the implementation of PoS finality.

2. Port and integrate the latest code base of Diem to conflux-rust and make it compile.

3. Add some RPCs according to the demand of other products.

4. Continue to refactor the storage related code part.



1. JS-SDK release v1.6 support fullnode's new methods; add support to CRC20 contract; some minor optimization.

2. Go-SDK release v1.0.7 support fullnode's new method.

3. Developer documentation site upgrade, Re-group documentation; add more docs about how to get client, how to send transaction.



Ecosystem Products


1. Added 8 statistics charts.

2. Supported to swap CFX and WCFX.

3. Optimized the data query performance.



1. update to new RPC endpoint.

2. show invalid address when user input hex address.

3. update to latest eth-phising-detect.

4. support cfx_getBlockByEpochNumber, cfx_getBestBlockHash.



1. Improved the fault tolerance mechanism against network issue.

2. Added data prune/archive component to support high TPS.

3. Optimized data synchronization performance to support high TPS.



1. Released Token Captain Center.

2. Upgraded Shuttle-in process.

3. Improved robustness of custodian node and some constant optimization are applied.

4. Strengthen stability of BSC full node, add monitor.

5. Supported crosschain requirements from FLUX.




1. Mathwallet Extention version has supported Conflux network.

2. Conflux announced a partnership with Magic Labs. Magic is solving identity and key management pain points for developers end end-users through password-less authentication.



Online Events

1. Auction for ConFi’s Birthday NFTs on MoonSwap and Tspace ended successfully with highest sale price of 11597.90 cMOON.

2. The “You Are the Next Crypto Artist” event, ch-hosted by Aavegotchi and supported by ART101 and BeepCrypto, drew a successful close. The event attracted great attention with over 100k views and 2k reposts. A total of 39 work was received and the result will be announced today.

3. Two new WeChat red pocket covers of ConFi were released this month, and about 800 people have gotten it as of now.

4. Conflux Turkey has rolled out two online activities in honor of the ongoing Ramadan festival. Conflux Korea finished an experience DeFi activity, where more than 150 local community members participated in experiencing Conflux Network's DeFi products and conducted cross-AMAs with the and MicroTuber community.

5. Crypto Tech Night 3 was successfully conducted on the topic - NFT. Vanessa Qi (Binance NFT & Charity), Song Ting (AI & Blockchain Digital Artist), Zeo (Tsinghua University International Blockchain Association), and Tao Ran (T-Space) were invited as guest speakers and panelist to share their insights on the present NFT ecosystem.

6. The Conflux Taiwan community opened up applications for the Conflux Award, a blockchain enlightenment writing competition, in April. Two online information sessions have been held. 24 teams from 14 universities have registered for the competition.

7. Conflux, invited by Taiwan Blockchain KOL Xiao Bi’er’s fan group, provided AMA to the fan group (on March 30th) and Taiwan Conflux community Grenade (on April 27th). The AMA targeted Taiwan Blockchain fans and introduced on-chain ecological applications.

8. Conflux and MoonSwap took part in an AMA with Hillrise Capital to introduce Conflux’s DeFi ecosystem.

9. Conflux and grant recipient Decentology teamed up to host a Mini NFT Hackathon to kick-start NFT dapp building on Conflux. Decentology introduced their tool DappStarter and NFT Composer.

10. Our Lead Researcher and Ecosystem Manager Geoff Le Fevre joined Oasis for an AMA to discuss our recent partnership and upcoming hackathon with Open DeFi.

11. Conflux, MoonSwap and ShuttleFlow introduced the first-ever multi-token yield farming campaign with over $80,000 in rewards. The first campaign was in collaboration with Cohort members:  Autonio, Mettalex, Set Protocol, Ramp DeFi and Spice DAO.

12. Conflux hosted an AMA with MoonSwap in our official Telegram channel to promote the 1-week yield farming campaign.

13. Conflux and MoonSwap were invited for an AMA with the Autonio community in their Telegram channel. 

14. Conflux spoke at Blockchain Summit LATAM introducing the network and its tools.

15. We reached 30,000 followers on our official Twitter! Thank you to the community for all the support.



Offline Events

1. Yuanjie Zhang, co-founder of Conflux, was invited to attend the “Crypto Niche·Era for Creation ” | NFT· CRYPTOULTRA hosted by BCA, DeFi Innovation Season hosted by, and SuperComputing · Fusion hosted by, and engaged in round table discussions in April.

2. Co-founder Yuanjie Zhang was invited to attend Beyond 2021 Blockchain Technology and Application Summit and International Digital Mining Summit hosted by and gave a keynote speech.

3. Yuqing Jiao, head of eco-projects, was invited to attend When NFT Meets Polkadot and participated the round table discussion.

4. Ting Song, top adviser of ART101, was invited to attend  Zhihu’sHymn to Youth· Original Aspirations in A Century. Her work, Iron Piano and The Nonexistent Flower, was displayed in the off-line exhibition.

5. The Conflux Practitioner Program campus tours continued to operate in April. In the offline events held at Central University of Finance and Economics and National Taiwan University, more than 400 people participated.

6. Starting from May 1st to 5th, ConFi’s designed products participated in the ‘Affordable Art Fair’ week held by Beijing Times Art Museum.



Quarterly CFX Report

1. Based on the results of the “Conflux Network Ecosystem Fund Usage” ,  “The Estimated Cycle of the Release of the Remaining FC Tokens” and other votes, 41,633,333 CFX were newly burned this month, and as of now, a total of 248,762,407 CFX were burned. All Conflux founding members, top scientists and part of the team, newly locked 16,699,494 CFX on a voluntary basis. So far 125,414,575 CFX have been locked. At present, the total number of the burned and locked CFX is 45.68% of the circulated.

2. Based on the result of the vote on Conflux DAO (20210408) #6 Adjustment to Unlocking Conditions for Private Investors, the Foundation will not give grant to any investors’ request for unlocking ahead of schedule, and had a thorough negotiation in terms of the monthly linear release rate. Results are as follows:

(1) The unlocking conditions mentioned in the Conflux Economic Whitepaper will never be triggered in the future.

(2) In the coming 4 months starting from May 2021, token release quota of the private equity investors and the Conflux Team will be suspended. 20% of the quota will be unlocked in September 2021, and every month another 20% will be added to the quota of the month before.

(3) The locked and lowered part of the token release quota will be unlocked and released linearly within 6 months after the original unlocking cycle terminates (namely after 18 or 42 months from now).

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